Functional cookies
Functional cookies are necessary for the website to work correctly. These cookies are always active and, in accordance with the Electronic Communacations Act, do not require your consent. Funtional coockies that uses are:
- ARRAffinity
Duration: per session. - ARRAffinitySameSite
Duration: per session.
Cookies for statistics and analysis
We use the Matomo tool to measure and analyze traffic on Examples of data we can see in Matomo are the number of visitors during a ceratin period, whihc pages visitors look at and how long a visitor spends on the website. We use this information on order to improve the structure, content and navigation of the website. The cookies we use for statistics and analysis are:
- _pk_id.*
Duration: 1 year, 27 days. - _pk_ses.*
Duration: 30 minutes.
You can opt out of these cookies. If you regret it, you can change your settings via a link at the bottom of the website.
When you accept statistical cookies from third parties, it means that some data can be transferred to countries outisde the EU. This means that when you accept these cookies, you also confirm your consent to Matomo processing your data and that your data can be transferred to countries outside the EU.
Cookies for marketing purposes
The website may embed content from YouTube. When we embed videos from YouTube, we use This means that no cookies apart from a functional consent cookie are set on your device, but a unique identifier is set by Youtube. The functional cookie and unique identifier are only set when you press play on the movie.
Visit Youtube's website for further information on how they manage cookies, what information they collect and how you can delete any third-party cookies.
Limit and delete cookies
You can turn off the use of cookies or delete previously stored cookies if you wish. You can do this in the security settings of your browser. Exactly how you do this varies between different browsers and browser versions. Via the links below you will find instructions.
More information
You can find more information about cookies on the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority's website, which is the supervisory authoriy for electronic communications in Sweden. This is where you can turn to if you have any complaints regarding our use of cookies.
You can also read more about how we use your personal data in our privacy policy. If you have any questions, please contact us at